A Quaker in Guatemala

Saturday, March 26, 2005

The Fast is over!

Just a quick note to say I survived!!! There are 2 reasons I didn't blog yesterday
a) It was good Friday, and almost everything was closed including all the internet cafes
b) I felt as close to death as I have ever felt! I could barely drag myself out of bed!!!

You know how they say you should never go shopping on an empty stomach? Well, as it's semana santa weekend we dragged ourselves up to Paiz - the big out of town supermarket - the only place that was open, to buy food for breaking our fast. This with 11 hours to go until we could eat!! Imagine the trauma! I don't think I have ever filled my shopping trolley with so much sugary rubbish! But also loads of delicious fruit and vegetables!

We broke our fast last night with a watermelon licuado, and then snuck off to our room to feast on mini mars bars and muslei bars - very much against Johns recommendations for breaking a fast. My trusty stomach was reliable as ever though, and totally untroubled by 5 days of emptiness. It was happy to accept all I could pack into it!

Today has been a day of blissful solidarity among the fasters as we all rant about how amazing tomatoes and lettuce taste, and how olive oil is the most beautiful thing in the world.

Would I repeat the five day fast again?

Not on your life!


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